Dr Mathieu Vouillamoz, DC, PAK

Dr Mathieu Vouillamoz

Born and raised in Lille, in northern France, he moved to Paris to graduate as Doctor of Chiropractic from the Franco-European Institute of Chiropractic (IFEC).

He followed the luminary Dr. Piet Seru for several years before being able to teach, together with him, his well-known “FIRST VISIT” rehabilitation method in France, England and Mexico.

He has worked in Peru, Ireland and Colombia and in 2014 he creates the Grupo Quiropactico Atlas with Dr. Constant Houard.

Dr. Mathieu Vouillamoz is specialized in Applied Kinesiology, SOT (Sacral-Occipital Technique), BEST (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique), TBM (Total Body Modification) and Matrix Energetics.

Doctor Mathieu Vouillamoz speaks fluently English, Spanish, Italian and French.